Pretty in Prague

10.19.16 – 10.21.16
I was in Prague a few weeks ago and was shocked at how beautiful it was in person. It’s a classic European city that reminds me of the set of ancient fairy tale movies! With just a day and a half in Prague, I think I was able to see a lot! It was easy to get from one place to another by foot. I didn’t have to use public transportation at all. The sausages were great, as well as the hot chips, which were basically homemade potato chips! Viewing Prague from the Prague Castle is a must! Didn’t see much of the nightlife but I heard it was decent. I walked over 30,000 steps in one day and my legs felt every last step!
Walking through Prague, I saw at least 5 brides and grooms taking wedding pictures. The scenery is perfect for stunning wedding photos. I could definitely imagine Prague being the setting of a new romance movie.
Youtube video here: