Greetings Daizies,
We all want to live our very best lives out here in the midst of taking things day by day. Part of that journey includes taking care of thE one body you have and what you put into it. If you’re out on the internet you’ve probably seen some variations of healthy eating challenges. Keto, liquid based diets, gluten free diet, no red met etc are all examples of diets many people are trying. I know a thing or two about cutting out certain foods for the best. You don’t know how hard it’s been not eating onions or tomatoes sheesh! So about a month ago, I was surprised to find out that several of my family members were going on a no meat, sugar, or bread challenge and I followed their journey throughout all of July. The participants included my mom, uncle, and grandma and later my sister and I joined in our own way.
Here’s what they each had to say about their journeys:
Mom, Znover

Q: What were things you hoped to experience from this healthy eating challenge?
Just a renewal in my body. We get used to eating a certain way and I wanted to experience a change. After the challenge, I tried bringing back things I normally ate and when I ate a small poundcake it tasted like a pound of sugar and I just couldn’t do it. Even my favorites, Saltine crackers, tasted like a bucket of salt. I now have a change in what I enjoy and what tastes good to me and it’s definitely for the better.
Q: What were your eating habits prior to the challenge
I was eating cookies. Pretty much junk food.
Q: How did it make you feel?
Well with that you know because you think you’re eating what you want, you think it’s good. But until you do something like the 30-day challenge, you notice a positive difference.
Q: What was the biggest challenge during the first week?
Because your body is so used to having what it wants, the hardest part was overlooking the sweets and cookies, cakes, and pies that are so easy to pop in your mouth. Also, reading the labels was a challenge because I was so used to just eating whatever I wanted regardless of what was in it. But I made it through and I’m so grateful.
Q: What were your results from the challenge?
I’m not as tired, not as sluggish. I’ve kept my weight down and incorporated more exercising. I even have less headaches. I still read the labels and try to limit sugars. I feel really good!
Q: Advice for someone wanting to do a health challenge?
I think it’s a great idea to talk to your doctor to see if it’s best for you and to also get some advice. My doctor said what I was doing was a great idea but to make sure I incorporated some protein. I did this a lot through eating fish. You have to make sure you actually want to do this. You have to have a made-up mind and say “this is what I want to do.”

Italian Turkey Brats..Barley &
Brussels Sprouts..Yum..Yum..Goodt!! Lol!!


Uncle, Peter

Q: How did this challenge start for you?
It started as a challenge with my team at work. We wanted to do some sort of challenge. So I said, “how about no meat, no sugar, and no bread challenge”. Did a video and a fun thing for people to guess who would stick to the challenge and how much weight each person would lose.
Q: What were the things you hoped to experience from this healthy eating challenge?
For one, I wanted to see better health results as far as my cholesterol levels. And also if I could stick with someone for 30 days then I could pretty much do anything. So it was a discipline thing for me. And doing it with others made it fun, especially since I’m competitive.
Q: What things did you do to help you be successful at this challenge?
One I knew I was starting this journey I immediately went shopping. I bought food for at home and at work so I could avoid cravings. I mentally prepared myself for this so I could stay determined, When I went out to eat I would get side dishes and still enjoyed myself.
Q: What did you learn?
The amount of weight you carry most likely has more to do with what you consume than what you do. Years ago when I was heavy in the gym, doing a lot of kickboxing, I never really lost weight. My weight often fluctuated. I knew that needed to change. With this, I did no working out and in 30 days I lost 22 pounds.
Q: What was your favorite meal?
I ate a lot of eggs in many different ways!
Q: Advice for someone wanting to do a health challenge?
It’s a lot more fun doing this challenge with a group of friends. Find some buddies and make it fun!

Jalapeno&Cheddar Grits w/ 2 boiled eggs. Drink – OJ

Lunch – Smoked mustard and collard greens topped with freshly cut onion and jalapeno with side of cubed yams!
Grandma, Almeeta

Q: How did you find out about this challenge?
I found out through my daughter, Znover. She was telling me about what she was doing. And then I saw Peter talking about what he was doing. So I said “oh I’ll try that too”. Doing things like this, just like with exercise, seem to be easier if you’re doing it with someone. And I’m glad that I did this.
Q: What did you hope to feel after this challenge and did that happen for you?
I got out of this challenge everything that I was expecting to receive. I experienced what I hoped to experience and that was a healthy feeling – not tired, or run down. I lost about 10 pounds. That’s how I was feeling before I went on this journey. It was really good for me. I ate mostly fish and salads. I enjoyed it then and I’m enjoying it still. I feel healthier, lighter, and I have more challenges
Q: Were there any challenges in the first few days?
I had a craving to eat meat like a hamburger or steak. And especially on the third day I really wanted a Wendy’s Frosty. But I got through it by putting my mind on something else and reminding myself to stick to what I said I would do.
Q: What did you learn?
I was on this journey when I was younger where I would read the labels. It doesn’t take all of the heavy foods to be full or to enjoy your meal. I learned that I can actually go without meat. I could eat baked chicken or boiled chicken and it tastes just as good as fried.
Q: Advice for people want to do it?
Be sure that you get advice from your physician to see if your body is healthy enough to go through it. Once that is taken care of, put your mind to it and stick to it. Do it for yourself. Don’t give up!

Sardines with a shrimp SAUCE, bowl or pared and peaches!

My Journey with No Red Meat Challenge
I didn’t want to post about my journey because posting it meant I would have people to hold me accountable lol. But I became inspired by my family to try something like this and see how it goes. I wasn’t moved to do a complete no meat, sugar, and bread type of diet at all but I have always wanted to try cutting out red meat for an extended period of time because this is one of the dietary tips I have seen to help reduce stomach inflammation which is one of the chronic issues I deal with. Red meat already was something I limited once I found out it could be a contributor to digestive issues, so really my intake of it came with my obsession of tri-tip steak sandwiches, burgers, burritos and hot dogs. Basically eating out and having that sharp craving for something salty is when I really reached for red meat.
I am 2 weeks in and I am so proud of myself! There have been several times where I’ve wanted to order something and had to stop myself. The main thing is taking the extra step to find a different option when I’m just trying to eat something convenient. It was hard in New York when there was a Philly cheesesteak restaurant right in front of us and we were starving. I wanted to try it so bad but I actually just got a chicken cheesesteak instead. I noticed a lot of things I like come in chicken or turkey form. Now I feel like I am in cruise control with this challenge. I haven’t noticed a huge difference with my health but mentally I don’t crave it like I used to.
Thanks for reading Daizies.
As always take it step by step