My most recent experiment was playing in makeup! After months of watching makeup tutorials on YouTube, I finally took some action into learning how to beat my face. As I am not an expert in makeup yet, I wanted to start off with using drugstore makeup and then work my way up. My current makeup look consists of concealer Maybelline SUPER STAY BETTER SKIN® CONCEALER + CORRECTOR (in deep) , filling in my eyebrows using the Elf brow kit, Covergirl Plumping blastPRO mascara, Wet’N’Wild Au Naturale pallette, and usually a light pink Wet’N’Wild Lipstick. Using these products in my routine have allowed for a process that takes less than 10 minutes = more sleep for me!
My goal for this experiment was to learn new makeup skills and enhance my look even further with more coverage for my skin and adding highlight for a summer glow. I want to try new colors and have fun with eye shadow again! I’ve been sticking with nudes for the longest now and would love to try some more fun shades. My skin is usually clean with minimal breakouts, so coverage for me is about covering dark circles and small blemishes they may appear every now and then. That being said, here is my experience and what I thought of the results:
I set out to spend $30 on makeup. Lol yeah that’s funny right. Long story short, I ended up spending about $57. How could such small things add up so quickly! I jotted some things down on my list compiled from several YouTube videos and what I thought I needed. I was on a hunt for a natural looking foundation, something to use as a highlighter, new makeup tools, etc and plenty of other things ended up in my basket. There is just so much!

Primer: Maybelline Master Primer $7.99 – Idk
This was one of the things I didn’t know I needed until I got there (I went to Target btw). Still don’t see what the difference is whether I used it or not. I’m salty cuz it was the most expensive thing I bought yet I still don’t know if it was worth it. That was like 6 McChickens right there.

Foundation: Covergirl Ready, Set Glow in color 315 $6.99-Loved It
Ding ding ding! That’s the sound of me picking the perfect color foundation. Woooo! This is like the most important thing I felt for this makeup haul. Previously, I bought a Maybelline Fit Me foundation stick about a year ago and it was just not working for me, the color was just too red and dark. So for this one I was happy that it didn’t turn out ashy and just blended right in with my skin tone.
I used a Maybelline foundation brush for about $4.99. Yes I use alot of Maybelline products lol! Talk about brand resonance and mere exposure*marketing terms coming into play yup I’m a marketing major* The more you see or hear about a product the more likely you are to buy it *MKTG 460 for ya, I slayed Midterm 1*
Concealer: Maybelline Superstay Better Skin $6- Same as last time, still Love It
I ended up overwhelmed with being twice my budget and decided to use my current concealer till it runs out (update it’s run out now girl lol). It’s probably just me, but I still think my dark circles are probably darker than they really are (that’s what I’ve heard)
Eyebrows: Elf Instant Lift Brow Pencil $2- Decent
For $2 you really can’t beat that. It came with an eyebrow brush which I really enjoyed. I liked the product but probably picked the wrong color because it kind of looks a little too gray when I apply it. I have the color taupe. I would buy again but actually read what color it is before I buy it lol
Having applied these products I really couldn’t tell the difference between my everyday makeup and what I had done. So I applied more!
Highlight: NYX Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator $7.49 – Decent
Since highlight was one of my main focus points for this project, I really wanted this one to be a hit. But tbh I felt like I could’ve achieved the glow using a bronze or gold eye shadow from my Wet’N’Wild pallette. For it’s price, I thought it would do more. It’s OKAY. But I would definitely try something else next time. Had to force it and find some good lighting to show the highlight lol.

All the brushes I used were from ELF… you gotta crawl before you walk!
Blush: ELF rose royalty $3- Loved It
Another product I didn’t plan on getting but I was like ” I got it, ball out!” *Kevin Hart voice*. The color was nice and subtle which gave me the natural summer glow I was aming for.I liked it and thought it was really cute actually 🙂
Eyeshadow: LA Colors $3- Loved It
I was pleasantly surprised with this eyeshadow palette. The colors were more pigmented than I thought.My favorite part of my overall look were the eyes. Eye makeup was literally what I started with back in middle school/high school. I would literally color coordinate my eyeshadow to my outfits everyday lol. I guess that first skill is still there.
Eyeliner: NYC Liquid Liner $2.82 – Liked It
If it’s not liquid liner than what is it? Liquid liner is definitely my favorite and I enjoyed this one very much. I want to perfect my winged liner as it has been out of commission for a while. This was a nice product 🙂
Mascara: NYC Sky Rise Lengthening Mascara $3.62- Okay
I’ve had my fair share of drugstore mascara. Just trying to take my lashes from basic to ballin. Whether I spent $9 using the Covergirl brand or $3 with this brand, they still look rather the same. Decent product, didn’t do wonders though. Might have to holla back at Maybelline mascara which is where I started off.
Lipstick: Wet’N’Wild Breeze $.94- Liked It
I pretty much know what to expect with this lipstick and for it’s price I will probably never stop buying it. I’m pretty sure I see the same color and be like” ooooooooo this one is so cute” and end up with duplicates around the house lol. I mixed this nude color, with 2 more products I already had: a velvet Lavendar matte stick from L.A.Girl and another Wet’N’Wild product- Megalast Liquid Lip Color in the iris color.
And TADA I was done! Overall I liked the look. Comparing it to my dressier makeup days it was hard to see a difference for a few minutes lol. I will still keep practicing and trying new things though.
What are your holy grail makeup products or tricks? Let ya girl know in the comments below!
Totally understand where you coming from 😀 it’s a great idea not to spend $100’s when you’re just starting to practice.
Lol absolutely! 🙂
Do Check out my blog if you like 🙂
Lovely post by the way 😊
Thank you! 🙂
You’re welcome 😊