I finally made my way around to Venice! Yes it is fall but Venice was just as beautiful. I gave my schedule to google to determine what I needed to do and see while there for a brief time. When I’m on the go, I usually just search ” Things to do in ____” and go from there. With little time in Venice, I managed to see a lot!
Culture Chanel at the Ca’Pesaro National Gallery
I loved this museum mainly for the exhibition dedicated to Coco Chanel. There were rooms dedicated to the theme ” The Woman Who Reads”, shining a light on the designers’ love for reading. The museum offered fun audio guides in exchange for a form of I.D. that you get back at the end of your visit. I found this guide helpful and informative as I made my way through the classical exhibits and through the culture Chanel rooms. I almost forgot to mention that there is a student discount which is always the cherry on top of any visit! Seeing Chanel designs through the years was so amazing. After almost a century, Chanel No.5 is the most iconic fragrance in the world!
The Grand Canal
Didn’t even need a map to find this canal as I exited the Santa Lucia train station. This ancient canal is one of the hundreds in Venice. I stopped for photos of course!
Piazza San Marco
I got on my first ferry ever yay! Ferry boats remind me of Derek Sheppard from Grey’s Anatomy (r.i.p). Even though this whole city filled with waterways, ferries are necessary to see every attraction. I soon discovered that with several twists and turns and sound GPS, I could get to where I needed without paying 7.50 euro per ferry ticket. This area was the center of all of the hustle and bustle. The Doge’s Palace museum is situated just around the corner as well.
Saint Mark’s Basilica
Although I didn’t go inside, I was amazed at the vibrant colors and details of Saint Mark’s Basilica. With it’s famous architecture, Saint Mark’s is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice.
Rialto Bridge
As the sun began to set and in the midst of frantically rushing back to get my train back to Milan, I snapped a few photos on the Rialto bridge.
Making my way through Italy has been very fun and I am enjoying this study abroad experience each day!