Today I want to just write and see where my mind takes me. Right now I’m sitting on my couch playing an old podcast episode of The Read while my cat Spencer lays in the space between my arms and my laptop. Sundays (the days I usually write blog posts) for me are for housekeeping, grocery shopping, wash day (have to start that soon), and content scheduling. I recently decided to get back in the habit of having a weekend with more structure and hold myself accountable for creating consistent content. My last blog post Tips for Starting a Blog, I shared the key tip of consistency as one of the ways to grow and build an audience with full transparency. The flow of consistency for me has had its different waves but now that I’m settling into working from home, I’ve decided I want to get back to posting once a week.
I don’t necessarily have a topic relating to hair or travel or wellness that I feel inspired to write about but I do have an excessive amount of lessons, quotes, and learnings that have been floating through my head this past month of solo isolation that I felt like sharing. So here are some thoughts that have occupied my mind during this time:
Choosing your own feelings and making choices the best suite your own mental health over others is an act of self love, not selfishness
My cat is the best little ball of fur in the entire world
Getting back to hobbies you loved as a child is the most giddy, free-spirited, and fun thing you can ever do
Cooking is really fun, the variety of tastes and feelings you can create from the fusion of spices is incredible
All forms of undergarments should just be done away with forever
Okay fine I’ll forgive myself when I make mistakes and not fixate over choices from literally years ago.
This is an interesting time to be single.
General work days (when WFH mandate is over) should be Monday – Thursday, 10am – 4pm
And again I love my cat so much what in the world would I do in this house day after day without him
In the midst of staying at home for almost a month and a half, there’s so much time to just think and be in my own world. This is sometimes really fun and other times it keeps me up super late at night. Sometimes I do a brain dump of writing down literally every single thing on my mind or even just sitting in my bed doing nothing and just looking directly across the room at the wall for like 20 minutes. I never really had the time prior to quarantine to do that, so perhaps this is what people mean by having more time for reflection and examining different types of thoughts etc.
So above are some of the repeating thoughts I’ve recognized and I wanted to take some time to do a more ~lifestyle~ post or a glimpse into what’s been on my mind when I’m not being intentionally productive. But I also think just recognizing your thoughts is also productive as well. There are some gems that stuck out to me that will probably help me towards emotional breakthroughs and further growth.
What thoughts have been circulating in your mind lately?
As always,