So you've finally graduated college and entered the life of adulting... now what? Here's how it's been for me and tips for the transition.
My first travel Q&A woohoo! I interview Simone as she shares her perspective approaching solo travel for the first time and what she learned through the experience of being in a new country exploring as a young black woman as well as some practical tips for traveling.
Greetings Daizies, We’ve got less than a quarter of the year left and I think for so many of us it’s still mind-blowing to see…
Solo travel trip to Cartagena, Colombia!
Tips for taking care of color treated 4c natural hair.
Are all of the expensive natural hair products really worth it? Or is there a hair product we’ve known from our childhood all along that works just as well? Today I review Queen Helene's Hair Cholesterol.
WOW WOW WOW It's been a whole 5 years since I started my natural hair journey. Here are some of my TOP tips for growing long and healthy natural hair.