Greetings Daizies,
For the first time in a long time I did a DIY skincare mask. My routine for skin is pretty simple and consistent. I don’t venture too far out from my routine but aloe vera seemed like a safe place to start back up with a DIY project.
Aloe Vera Benefits
Aloe vera is known for it’s soothing properties. It’s often used for treating sunburns and cuts. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties. It can help relieve itchiness and inflammation and well. Seeing aloe vera in hair product ingredients was also comforting for these reasons and they are just as beneficial for skin as well.
Expected Results
I was hoping this mask would eliminate the blemishes by the next morning! I had a few small bumps on my cheekbone and forehead that I wanted to get rid of. I also wanted my skin to feel very moisturized. I thought aloe vera itself would be sticky and slimy
Mixing It All Together

- Squeeze about a tea spoon of aloe vera juice from a fresh plant
- Add 1 drop of honey
- Add a few drops of sweet almond oil and/or lemongrass oil, eucalyptus oil
To apply the mixture I just dipped my finger tips on the cup and rubbed on my face in a gentle circular motion.

Actual Results
A little goes a long way with the ingredients. Since it was only my face, the small amount worked just fine and it was far from sticky. I used the mask three times with a different variation of essential oils. It was a relaxing experience with the cooling effect of the aloe vera and the calming of the essential oils. After washing the aloe vera mixture my skin felt fresh and supple. breakout on my forehead minimized a bit, and slightly got smaller on my cheekbone. However, the mask didn’t prevent the future breakout of a few more bumps on my other cheekbone.
Final Thoughts
Mixing the aloe vera was fun. I thought the process was quite relaxing, as most masks are. It’s not my favorite as a go-to blemish treatment but I thought it was great for self care. I still am excited to use it for my hair next. The aloe vera plant is pretty large so I’ll see what other cool uses I can get out of it this week!
As always,