Greetings Daizies,
A few weeks ago I went ahead and tried making my own avocado masque ti deep condition my hair. I hadn’t tried a new DIY mixture in a while and there happened to be a sale on avocados at my nearby grocery store. I figured it was the perfect time to try something new!
Ingredients Used
- 2 ripe avocados
- 5 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon of shea butter
I was in a daze of confusion in the grocery store and the look on my face must’ve been obvious when a lady helped me determine which avocados were the best to pick. What I gathered was the darkest ones were the best for use right away. She also told me that if you put your avocados next to a banana then they will become ripe whenever you want them. Has anyone tested this method? I ended up just picking some that were ready for that day
Mixing it All Together

You might already know how to peel an avocado, but since I absolutely hate them as a food, I was very surprised at how easily the skin fell off. It was like with one slice I could take the rest of the skin off. I took all of the portions off and mushed it together with a spoon. I then added in my favorite oils and shea butter and mixed together as smooth as I could before putting it in the blender.
At first, I had a very hard time getting the blender to turn. I added more oil so that it would be smoother and the liquid would help the blades turn better. After about a minute or two I had a thick masque I was content with.
Expected Results

Because the mixture was so thick and contained penetrating oils like olive oil and coconut oil, I expected the masque to thoroughly hydrate my hair.
Actual Results
Y’all, this was actually the worst DIY masque I have ever tried. I was picking avocado flakes out of my hair for the rest of the day. My hair was so dry and my natural curl pattern was disrupted. It was like I didn’t deep condition at all.

That being said, I know this works for a lot of people, but it just was not for me. I ended up doing a co-wash afterwards so that my wash day didn’t completely go to waste. I am not sure what it was but my hair did not respond well to this mixture. But hey, that’s what experimenting is all about. Sometimes you find a keeper and sometimes it’s an L.
Have you tried a similar DIY avocado masque? What were your results?
I hope you all have heard about my very first product Curl Calendar now. Curl Calendar is a printable natural hair planner available on Etsy to help track your natural hair progress, stay accountable to your hair regimen, and reach your hair goals. I have been so excited to finally launch one of my ideas and this is just one of the first. You can read more about it here in my introductory post.Please check it out on Etsy and like my store!
Thanks for the love and support.
As always,

Picking the avacado out of your hair is the worst!!