For those that have been following me for a while, the latest news for DaibyDai is one that is so amazing. And that’s seeing my products in a salon now in the Central District. My very first but not last retail location! I started this blog over 6 years ago and since then I’ve been able to do what it is I am passionate about as an entrepreneur and create products I truly love. I was so excited that the product line I’ve worked so hard on would be available to a new customer base and to see one of my goals manifest.
From starting my business in 2020 to now, one thing I’ve learned is that eventually you will have the answers to what you’re looking for and will have more knowledge today than you did yesterday. When I first started, there were so many hurdles of just understanding how to create an infrastructure to sell the products and before that, just learning what it would take to create a quality product. But step by step and ‘DaibyDai’ I began to obtain more and more knowledge that led me to have the opportunity to have my products available in a salon location.
This is the first of many great milestones for DaibyDai and I am so thankful for those that have been supporting my brand over the years. Don’t forget to subscribe to the DaibyDai newsletter for my updates in the future. Stop by Soul Collective today and purchase your favorites from the brand.
As always,