Happy New Year!!!
A new year is here and I love the openness to a fresh start and new possibilities. When it comes to goal setting, I love starting with a clean slate and dreaming up new benchmarks to meet. With Curl Calendar in hand, it’s time to not only set my hair goals for the year, but also think about what I can do to meet these goals so at the end of 2019 I can look at my hair journey and say “wow I did that?” Here are my top hair goals for the year:

Oil my scalp each night with moisturizing oils
Using oil on your scalp is not only relaxing, but it helps to stimulates hair growth. I have always moisturized my hair each night and follow up with an oil but this year I want to pay special attention of how I treat my scalp and really take my time to give myself nightly scalp massages. I am starting to collect essential oils now and use them for aromatherapy but also have included some in my hair routine. I would love to be consistent with seeing how my hair reacts to peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, frankincense oil and more.
Wear protective styles for 6-8 months of the year
I see the most growth retention when my hair has been in a protective style. I want to protect my hair even more this year and continue wearing my hair in low maintenance styles. I also want to do these styles by myself. What I once thought I couldn’t do on my own, marley twists, I ended up doing that in December and I’m still rocking the style. I look forward to trying new styles and colors!
Get trims every 3 months
Tangles and knots really cramp my style. Waiting too long for trims result in having to get more hair cut off. I want to consistently get trims so that I don’t run into this problem and my hair stays healthy and fresh.
Treat my hair gentler and refrain from picking at my knots and tangles when they do appear
With natural hair it’s common to run into knots and tangles even when your hair is overall healthy. Sometimes my curls just get friendly with each other and decide to intertwine. I often get frustrated and think there’s something wrong with my hair. I want to stop the bad habit I have of snapping these knots off for no reason. It often happens when I’m bored and not really thinking about doing it. I think my hair would appreciate it.
Grow my hair to 18 inches or mid-back.
I feel like my hair length has sort of plateaued and I want to see some length this year. My last length check was a complete year ago and I came in at an average of about 12 inches. Hair grows an average of 6 inches so by now I SHOULD be at 18 inches but by the looks of things I feel like I’m at maybe 15? I’d like to at least be at 18 inches. From a visual standpoint, I would like my hair to reach the middle of my back.
How I Plan to Reach These Goals
I plan to have fun mixing different oils and seeing how they feel on my scalp. I’ll pay attention to the smells, the consistency, and the relaxing elements to see how my scalp reacts to each oil combination. I’ll use the key essentials checkbox in Curl Calendar to make sure I am including it in my daily routine. I’ll have a try with the handheld scalp massager and see if it’s easier to use that when I’m wearing protective styles than using my hands.
For protective styles, I plan to grow my confidence in my styling abilities by just going for it first and seeing how the style turns out! Youtube tutorials and Pinterest boards can make any style look cute and it’s easy to doubt that you have those abilities. I can easily find someone to do my hair but I’m very interested to see what I can do on my own and want the flexibility of having what I want done whenever I want and not only that, I love saving MONEY! I’ll set a weekend for styling and I’ll just DO IT!
Getting trims every 3 months will be all about timing. In between protective styles, I will schedule a professional trim so that all of the care I’m putting into my hair won’t go to waste with damaged and split ends.
I think having my hair in a protective style for majority of the year will help with my tendency to pick at my tangles and knots. I think also practicing more mindfulness will help me focus on being present with whatever I am supposed to be doing and not get carried away with tangles in my hair. I also think thoroughly detangling my hair mid-week, when not in a protective style, would be great.
My length goal can be achieved with all of the goals I listed above. If they aren’t I won’t be hard on myself. If my hair is healthy, than that’s all that matters.
Take a few minutes to check out my store on Etsy and give Curl Calendar a big thumbs up! Set and stay on track with you hair goals this year with a personal natural hair planner like Curl Calendar.
What are your 2019 hair goals?
Thanks for reading!

My hair goals are to make sure I keep my hair moisturized, keep my ends protected more, and work on deep conditioning more often. Good luck for us both!
Wishing us both success!
Very helpful, I need to have a calendar to keep up. I feel like my natural hair stops at one length, so If I can train myself to a regimen then I can see whether it actually grows.