Greetings Daizies,
For the past couple of years, I’ve enjoyed traveling the Caribbean and Central/South Americas mainly for its proximity and optimal weather. Venturing to Spain, the location of my first solo trip 6 years ago, was both nostalgic and exciting. I’ve been able to recap my trip in bits and pieces through TikTok and Instagram posts yet my recap doesn’t feel complete without a blog post. Time is a fascinating thing where in some ways it feels like an entirely different world than 6 years ago when I traveled alone for the first time and in other ways, I still feel 20 years old. One thing is for certain, I am extremely grateful for being able to travel and starting my journey of solo travel early in my twenties.
I’ve found that I love blog posts that get right to the point and share the itinerary right away, so let’s get to it!
3 Day Itinerary:
Day 1
- Arrive and get settled in Airbnb/Hotel
- Food at Principe Pio 🍗
- Templo de Debod
- Plaza de España and Gran Via
- Churros at Chocolateria San Gines
- Plaza Mayor
- San Miguel Market
Day 2
- Fountains of Cibeles and Neptune
- Thyssen Museum
- Puerta de Alcalá
- Retiro Park, Palacio de crystal, exhibits from the Reina Sofía Museum
- Tapas in Ibiza neighborhood
- Language exchange and Shoko Nightclub 🕺🏾
Day 3
- Puccias Libertad Sandwiches 🥙
- Puerta del Sol
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC
- Palace (outside) + Almudena Cathedral
- Círculo de Bellas Artes roof 🌃

This itinerary will give you time to move slowly or fast depending on your mood. I was worried that 3 full days wouldn’t be enough time to enjoy the city but it was actually the perfect amount of time for being in Madrid. I went in early April, so the weather felt like fall time but with sunshine. I was so happy I brought several jackets and a heavier puffy coat because once the sun was gone it was very cold for me. The architecture and general design of the city were so beautiful, it really made me smile.

I knew going in that Spanish food wasn’t a cuisine I would be hyped about. The main thing that stood out to me was Puccia’s sandwiches that quite literally saved me after a long night out clubbing (Spanish clubs are open all night/morning whew). It was so good we had to spin the block TWICE! This was the only food worth mentioning during my time. It wasn’t just good for Spain, but it was an overall tasty sandwich! I sometimes think about it to this day. Another highlight for me was the Kit Kats. Something about the chocolate and the crispness of the wafer. It was so fresh and tasted almost handcrafted. I loved that they were sold in packs of 5. Sandwiches and chocolates were the standouts to me.
I love visiting museums whenever I travel so I can learn what the country would say about its own history and how it plays a role in its culture today. If you’re short on time and don’t have enough time to visit the actual inside of the Palace, you might want to check out the Almudena Cathedral that’s in the same vicinity. I was surprised by just how interesting the museum was and the amazing views from the very top. It’s definitely worth a visit! The Thyssen Museum is a part of something called the “Golden Triangle of Art” which includes the Prado Museum and the Reina Sofia National Art Gallary. I enjoyed seeing the evolution of art from all over the world and afterward it was the perfect
Going to the Erasmus Language exchange was the most nostalgic part of the trip. When I studied abroad in Italy I often saw Erasmus activities for students to get to know each other and even discounts for clubs around Milan as part of being a member of the group. So when I saw the language exchange on Eventbrite I added that to the itinerary as a way to get to know locals. We definitely did not get to know locals but it was still a funny lighthearted intro to the night type of experience. The sticky smell of the bar and hot sweaty scent literally put me into a time machine back to 2016. After our exchange of not much language, we went to Shoko nightclub and wow I forgot how beautiful clubs can look. This was my first club in Spain, as I had not visited any when I was in Barcelona. It had a Vegas nightclub feel and played general top 40’s hits and some rap/hip hop songs from about 2-3 years ago. If you’re with fun people it’ll be a fun time, I sure had one.
One thing that was beautiful to see was people just socializing and sitting outside at parks. It seemed like there were nice parks everywhere. So many open-air spots to sit and hang out. People were just socializing and taking time to be with one another. I definitely felt the social familial spirit of the country. It felt nice to see people connecting with one another. I had an overall pleasant time interacting with the people in Madrid. The 7-8 hour flight was worth it!
As always,
Take it step by step and DaibyDai